Concept Art, Street Art

Street Art

Project details


Concept Art, Street Art

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You like Street Art? Here you’ll find paintings like cutted from a wall of an authentic living streetscape.


All artworks are made with a lot of structure and materials. I create backgrounds with plaster, paper and acrylic paint to design weathered walls on canvas. I put on paintings, drawings, messages, found and selfproduced stickers and prints to construct a painting which could be a part of a real street. Chaotic, random and intuitive like Street Art is in reality.


Have a look at a PDF presentation of my actual print catalog 2023: Here



Create and Destroy

Real Street Art lives from creating and destroying. Empty spaces in the urban environment inspire people to fill them with life. Each single creative can participate shaping it. This is how walls and entire streets which are crammed full of art and individualism are arising. People add something new or spray over and totally redesign complete parts. Those streets and places keep changing like society with its norms and values is constantly doing.


There’s no Mickey on the Block


Significant Street Art rarely consists of Disney Characters or fashion logos – and if so only as a socially critical swipe. tizlu‘s beliefs of creating acquirable Street Art pieces is not about framing a comic character in commonly slogans and graffiti elements. His motivation is building up paintings which are giving the impression that they have just been cut out of an authentic living streetscape, where everything is possible and nothing mainstream.


tizlu is legion

Transience is tizlu‘s urge. In order to create his special works, tizlu slips into different personalities which all have different styles and motivations. One of them wants to attract attention and is not afraid to slap a brought along grinning pizza in the face of a beautiful Pegasus. The other just paints small octopuses and spreads them wherever it suits. So tizlu puts himself into legions of artists, tracks down and uses their different motivations and techniques, paints, glues and sprays, composes and rearranges them in order to turn them into his own unique work of art.


To finish an artwork only one final decision has to be made by tizlu:

when to stop the transience.




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Concept Art (future project)


The Chromatic Giants (future project)